I was certified through Pilates Mind Institute in New York City off Wooster street. You can checkout my resume online www:webringthegymtoyouvb.com tells you more about me, what I specialize in.
FOUNDER and the creator of Pilates original core board. It is for someone who wants to step up their Pilates practice. This deal is for( 2-10 students) small group discount. Saving 50 percent off retail price. Certified through Body Balance University, Yoga Alliance, n N.E.T.A. This is mobile business we come to you Anywhere (for example homes, offices, parks, Beaches, etc.) WE offer Pilates Small equipment, Yoga, Gyrokinesis, Tai-Chi n Zumba classes. Keep up with lastest trends with Pilates n gyrokinesis our toy chest expanding constantly. WE also have three e-store self defense, Pilates n Gyrokinesis equipment, and health products.