Starting in August of 2014, Matt Ricker and Kathryn Opp created their partnership in Real Estate based upon similar goals, values, and an idea as to how the process of buying or selling a home should be for a client. With a combined 15 years experience in the industry, they felt that their individual experiences and strengths helping clients in Portland could be combined and optimized to support their vision and serve their clients best.
Ricker Opp Realty Group at Wildwood Realty specializes in Residential Real Estate sales in Portland, OR and all of the surrounding communities. Matt Ricker and Kathryn help clients find and purchase their home or move on to the next phase of their lives by selling their current home. We work with the latest technology in both searching for a new home and in marketing your property to prospective buyers. We also specialize in making the process personable as well as professional.