The League of Women Voters of Fairfield is a non-partisan, political organization of men and women that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
The League of Women Voters sponsors local debates and legislative breakfasts where the public can listen to and ask questions of elected officials; sponsors monthly brown bag lunches in Fairfield Public Library in which the public can listen to and ask questions of town and school officials; publishes a non-partisan voters' guide before elections in which candidates provide written answers to a set of questions; and has a book club and discussion group.
Board meetings are held once a month, typically in a member's home. The brown bag lunches are held in Fairfield Public Library, 1080 Old Post Road, Fairfield, which is the address given here for the club.
Pat Reilly and Charlotte Garrell are co-presidents of the League of Women Voters of Fairfield in 2010. The phone number listed for the club is Reilly's.