I overcame my own obsession with food while getting my BS and MS degrees in Nutrition. In times of stress, I'm driving to Mc Donalds on my way to my classes with all the usual shame when you feel like a fraud. Science only got me so far, and thankfully, I found a way to work on the mental and emotional piece. I found amazing tools to help me transform my relationship with food and started using them with my clients. I now help my clients transform the stress that causes their overeating and cravings so they feel in charge and present in their lives. They can then enjoy healthy food and delicious treats with joy, instead of guilt. I'm also an Acupuncturist and certified Coach and I'm passionate about helping women love the skin they're in!
I help help women end the cycle of cravings and emotional eating so they can step fully into their lives and feel confident in their bodies. What I'm really passionate about is helping women deeply transform their relationship with food so they finally love and trust their bodies.