The Gallery originally featured the works of portrait artist George Pollard and children's illustrator Nan Pollard. In order to attract more visitors we began to feature local artists and their works. A number of local area contests were developed. In recent years the shift has been to feature local resident artists and their works and continue featuring local shows and contests. The Pollard Gallery is part of the Rhode Center For the Arts. The Rhode Theater is home to the Lakeside Players Community Theater. When you shop at the Pollard Gallery all the proceeds go to the restoration fund of this beautiful art deco theater.
Pollard is home to award winning artists who exhibit their art in a number of mediums, from fine art to functional art. It also features guest artists and annual Shows such as Photography and Digital Arts Show, All About the Art Veterans Art Show, Your Comfort Zone Show and others! The second Saturday of every month we have extended hours as a participant in Kenosha's Second Saturday event with other local businesses.