The National Mole Day Foundation, based in Prairie Du Chien, WI, is a non-profit organization led by current and former chemistry teachers. Their mission is to ignite passion and interest in chemistry among students, teachers, and chemistry enthusiasts worldwide. Through the selection of a yearly theme for Mole Day, providing classroom resources, showcasing student and teacher work, and offering financial support for professional development and Mole Day celebrations, the foundation aims to foster enthusiasm and engagement in the field of chemistry.
Commemorating Avogadro's Number, a fundamental measuring unit in chemistry, Mole Day is celebrated annually on October 23 from 6:02 a.m. to 6:02 p.m. Schools across the United States and around the globe participate in various chemistry-related activities and events. The National Mole Day Foundation encourages individuals to become members or support their mission by purchasing items from their store, contributing to the advancement of chemistry education and outreach.
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