The Milwaukee Montessori School is accredited by the Independent School Association of the Central States (ISACS). It focuses on an individualized educational experience based on the traditional Montessori curriculum of developing the whole child. The 4.8 acre suburban/urban campus is refreshingly modern with up-to-date facilities that uphold Maria Montessori's standards for the learning environment. Classrooms are divided among two and three-year age groupings: first steps and stepping stones (18mos - 36mos), children's house (k3 - k5), lower elementary (1,2,3), upper elementary (4,5,6) and junior high (7,8). In addition to the core academic subjects, it offers co-curricular instruction in Spanish, instrumental & vocal music, studio art, cyber art, photography, athletics and technology instruction. Before and after school programs programs are available, including chess, atrium, ski/snowboard, Robotics, and Tae Kwon Do.