Legislative bodies, national
Campbellsport Fire Department
In 1904, the residents of the Village of Campbellsport organized a volunteer fire department. With the organization of the fire department, the first officers were elected. One week later, the constitution and by-laws were voted on. At first, the department only had the following officers: chief, first assistant chief, second assistant chief, secretary, and treasurer. Recently the officers have been changed by the chief and are as follows 5 fire captains, 3 Engineers, 1 EMS captain, 1 EMS Lieutenant, 1 Safety Officer, 1 Secretary, and 1 Treasurer. Many of the officers have multiple roles such as 1 Assistant Chief is also in charge of Personnel, 1 Assistant Chief is also an Engineer, 2 Fire Captains are Training Officers, 1 Fire Captain is also an Engineer, 1 Fire Captain is Personnel and the Chef, 1 EMS Captain is also on Park Board, 1 EMS Lieutenant is also the Fire Prevention Officer. Go To MembersThe Campbellsport Fire Dept. proudly serves an area of approximately 7, 000 residents and covers the Village of Campbellsport, Town of Ashford, Town of Auburn, and Town of Osceola. Campbellsport Fire Dept. also responds into other area depts. territories for mutual aide. Mutual Aide can consist of one truck of full department response depending on the request of the fire dept requesting mutual aide. If there is a structure fire, FDL Co. established something called automatic mutual aide where the predetermined fire dept. gets called at the same time if there is a structure fire for full mutual aide. In August of 2010 Fond du Lac County started using MABAS which is Mutual Aide Box Alarm System. This allows departments to predetermine which apparatus they want from a department, for each geographical area on a "card". MABAS is set up to make the scene easier flowing during an emergency as well as not take too many resources from one single department. Go To MABAS PageWhen the department was first organized, the membership consisted only of men. Currently there are both men and women that are members. The members are EMT's, firefighters, firefighter/EMT. In the earlier years, the department only had four fire trucks. The department currently has nine fire trucks, two ambulances, 20ft trailer, and Kubota RTV. CFD currently has a Rapid Intervention Team, Confined Space Rescue Team, Honor Guard, members are going through dive training for a dive team. The Campbellsport Fire Dept. is willing to offer tours of our fire station and the equipment that we use. If you would like to set up a tour e-mail cfdwebmaster@frontier.com or call the fire station at 920-533-5266 and we will be glad to give anyone a tour. Go To Apparatus PageCurrently the fire department is considered a volunteer fire dept. Although our members and officers do get compensated slightly for fire calls, EMS calls, meetings, and trainings we are still considered volunteer because there is a lot more work that is done around the fire department than just running calls and training. CFD members volunteer their time for events such as the picnic, public education, cleaning, as well as many fundraisers. It always seems there is something the fire dept members will be working on throughout the year such as making updates to the station, building a memorial, or even the construction of the training tower. These prices are kept lower because the volunteering of the members to get the job complete with a lower labor cost. Many members have many different trades that make the fire dept run much smoother. As there continues to become more work to stay afloat as a fire department it requires tremendous time and effort. Our officers get compensated on a salary basis, all members receive their compensation quarterly.CFD's holds an election each December. The following positions are voted on at that time: Chief, Secretary, Treasurer, 1 of 2 Park Board Members. The rest of the officers are chosen by the fire chief. Each term is good for one year and then are up for reelection if they h