Automobile insurance, Agricultural insurance
Allstate Insurance
When Sue made the decision 19 years ago to become an Agent for Allstate, she never imagined that her dreams would come as true as they are today. Prior to her decision in 1999, to purchase a dear friend of her mothers, successful Allstate agency, she never desired, nor did she ever want to become an Agent. Well, as it turned out, it was the best decision she ever made.As I am putting this biography together, Sue finds herself sitting in her home office, in her future retirement home in Loxahatchee, Florida. The office in Madison continues to support good levels of P&C business and is off to a great start to meeting their life insurance goals for this year. Technology is amazing and aids in making this all work. Sue stresses and greatly believes in teamwork and has strived for several years to create and manage not just a group, but a team of staff. She is extremely proud of her team today. The team made their goals last year, so Sue flew them down to Florida for a well-deserved long weekend. Sues office currently consists of her husband and LSP Tim Weeks, her brother, life producer Clinton Kempfer, Sue and Clint's Cousin Debbie Dahlke, general office support Jean Warnecke, LSP Julia Weaver, and LSP Dustin Kruser. Her mother, Judy Genthe, also helps on a part time basis, handling the larger Life cases for the office. new this year is the addition of Peter Conlon, helping customers with financial and retirement. The two hardest workers in the office are Annie and Sari, Sues two Shih Tzus. Sues alma maters include Winona State University in Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She finished college, earning a Bachelor's degree in Business, with an emphasis in Human Resources. Sue enjoys attending Badgers games especially basketball and hockey. Even though she like college sports, her absolute favorite sports team is the Green Bay Packers.Horses have also been a huge part of Sues life ever since she was old enough to walk. Sue has competed in horse shows all over the country and against the best in the World. She has competed in the AQHA World Championship Show where she repeatedly placed in the top 10, and her most shining achievement is when Sue became the 2017 World champion in pleasure driving with her horse Millennium Cowboy. Working with horses has taught her patience, focus, and endurance. Sue transfers these qualities into her work here at Allstate.Sues community is very important to her, and with the help of the relationship she has created as an Allstate agent, she has taken opportunities to give back to the community at every chance she could. She was proud to serve as Vice President for Madison4Kids. The groups mission is to support kids and youth organizations in the Madison area, and they strive to help children be more confident, healthier, inspired and excited about learning. Allstate has helped tremendously by giving us support and allowing the agents to use the Allstate grants to help organization close to them.In addition to Madison4Kids, Sue has sponsored youth sports for the last 4 years. She is proud to say that 3 out of the 4 years that Allstates little league team won the Championship. Support from family, friends and the team at her office all plays a hand in the success of Sues agency. The office has grown nearly 4 times in size from the time that she purchased it. A ton of work, stress and sleepless nights is what comes with that success, but the payoff is worth it. You have to be willing to take risks, not be afraid of change and keep up with the times. The agency had several years that were very challenging. Sue is very thankful that she has had the support from key people at Allstate that believed in her as an Agent when she felt defeated. The bottom line is, at one moment you may say never, but that never may end with a blessed forever.