Serving Facility Maintenance and Manufacturing Industries since 1986
Eagle Technology, Inc. is a leader in development and sale of EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) and CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems) software. Our products include Proteus and Proteus MMX. Both offer seamless integration to numerous Building Automation Systems, including those from Tridium, Trane, Johnson Controls, Siemens and more. ProTeus from Eagle is widely acclaimed as one of the most versatile maintenance systems, as they have been tried & tested across over 5000 facilities including intelligent buildings maintenance, plant & equipment maintenance and in facilities across the world. Equip is our entry-level, web-based CMMS software. Equipsoft is designed for facilities to get up and running quickly. An intuitive user interface and quick implementation means this software will pay for itself in no time. Modules include work order generation, inventory tracking, labor and purchasing functions. Visit www.eaglecmms.com for more information.