Chilton Public School is a renowned educational institution located in Chilton, WI. With three campuses, including CES Elementary School, CMS Middle School, and CHS High School, the school provides a comprehensive learning experience for students from kindergarten to high school. Chilton Public School is committed to excellence in education, fostering a positive school culture, and promoting social-emotional well-being among students. The school also actively engages with the community and encourages student-teacher connections to create a conducive learning environment.
Chilton Public School takes pride in its commitment to innovation and creating a nurturing environment for students. The school offers various programs and extracurricular activities, including clubs, athletics, and organizations, to enhance students' overall development. Chilton Public School is dedicated to recognizing exceptional school employees through the Eastern Wisconsin Excellence in Education awards program, which celebrates their contributions in areas such as innovation, culture creation, social-emotional well-being, community involvement, and student connection. The school aims to provide a holistic education that prepares students for success in their academic and personal lives.
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