Open Doors serves adults and children who have intellectual disabilities and/or other developmental disabilities within Greenbrier, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Webster, and Monroe counties. Service Coordinators, Positive Behavior Support Specialists, RNs, LPNs, Supported Living Companions and Job Coaches embody a holistic approach of service provision as well as a community integrated vision. Open Doors seeks to provide natural community living experiences while impressing the need for responsibility, accountability and open accessibility no matter what the disability may be. Members, together with their team and/or legal representatives, create goals, implement objectives and help those realize their dreams. Additional therapies are provided as needed, including speech therapy, mobility training, technology accessibility, nutritional assessment, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.
The singular goal of Open Doors, Inc. is to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Staff will promote the individual's right to make choices and thereby establish an environment of self-respect, personal growth and full community involvement. Through fiscal accountability, Open Doors, Inc. will provide individuals with opportunities to own homes, establish relationships, and experience responsibility. In addition, we will work to increase the independence of these individuals by decreasing community barriers through education.
It is the philosophy of Open Doors for the Developmentally Challenged, Inc. to be an active advocate for the rights of the individuals we serve. It is the fundamental belief of this corporation that all people have the same rights regardless of their race, creed, religion, sex, national origin, age, and/or their disability. Individuals with developmental disabilities may need to have support from others in order for them to attain their goals. It is Open Doors, Inc.’s responsibility to assist them to attain their goals; in other words, to “keep doors open” and opportunities available in our communities, schools, and in the minds of our neighbors, family, friends, peers, and teachers.