Toddler Learning Center (TLC) is a renowned organization in Oak Harbor, WA, dedicated to helping children with developmental delays and their families thrive. With over 38 years of experience serving Island County and 4 years in San Juan County, TLC offers personalized, comprehensive services tailored to each child's unique needs, empowering families through compassionate support and resources.
Driven by a child-focused, family-centered approach, TLC's highly skilled team of early learning, neurodevelopment, and pediatric care professionals continuously evolve their expertise to meet the diverse requirements of every child. Through customized programs, TLC incorporates best practices in special education, therapies, nursing, and social work, ensuring that parents play a vital role as decision-makers in their child's services. With a commitment to changing lives, TLC celebrates every milestone and empowers caregivers to lead the way towards a healthy and happy future for children and their families.
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