Three Little Pitties Rescue is a dedicated organization based in Tulalip, WA, that is committed to changing the lives of humans, dogs, and cats through adoption, transport, and community outreach. With over 13,000 lives saved since 2018, their team works tirelessly to rescue animals from the streets and overcrowded shelters in Texas, providing them with necessary vet care and rehabilitation before matching them with loving families across multiple states.
Through their USDA certified transport, Three Little Pitties Rescue sends dogs and cats from Texas to Washington, Oregon, Utah, Idaho, Virginia, Connecticut, New York, Vermont, and Philadelphia, ensuring that these animals find forever homes. Their efforts have been recognized by local news outlets, showcasing heartwarming adoption stories and the impact they have on both the animals and the families who adopt them. By adopting from Three Little Pitties Rescue, individuals not only gain a new family member but also contribute to saving lives and making a difference in the lives of these deserving animals.
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