Revolushon Fitness started as a team in a 60 day fitness challenge when I, Big Shon, was employed at Pure Fitness. My methods were different from my counterparts and I continued to learn and apply other philosophies of training as the movement grew. From Pure Fitness, I helped open several gyms including Innovative Fitness, All Star Fitness, and Lincoln Plaza Athletics. I am certified by NFPT, NASM, US Olympic weightlifting, Slackbow, Vertimax, and TRX with over 17 years of experience in the south sound. I've teamed up with some of my best colleagues through the years to be bring you the ultimate fitness experience
Our business specialize in customer service and results. If you enjoy where you workout, you'll come more often and if you know what you are doing, you cant help but to excel. We pay close attention to your wants, needs, form, and body language. We train in every method of training from balance to power lifting to sports specific. Our facility is the only gym in Western WA that is certified and uses Slackbow, Vertimax, and yoga trapeze training