Astrid Pujari, MD has years of experience integrating nutritional, herbal, and mind body therapies with traditional Western medicine. She received her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachusetts, and completed her residency in internal medicine at Scripps Clinic and Research Institute in San Diego, California. She then completed didactic and clinical training to obtain a medical herbalist degree from the Royal College of Phytotherapy in London, England and was certified by the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH), the leading professional licensing body in the UK, and the US equivalent, the American Herbalist Guild. Dr. Pujari worked as a primary care physician at Virginia Mason Medical Center for a number of years, prior to starting her own private integrative medicine practice. She has extensive experience as a clinical educator, and taught for the Virginia Mason, Swedish Cherry Hill and Bastyr residency programs.
As founder and director of the Pujari Center, Dr. Pujari's mission is to provide a vibrant, healing center in which you have the ability to co-create wellness with knowledgeable, caring practitioners - a truly integrative experience. True integrative medicine provides you with expert help navigating all the differing viewpoints on healing in a balanced and safe way, with the convenience of one visit. At the Pujari Center, our goal is to empower you. Because we recognize that every person has a unique path to optimal health, and that the same approach does not work every time for every person, we believe it is important to give you options. This is why we offer a diverse range of holistic services at the clinic. We passionately believe in the interconnection between physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Dr. Pujari is a sought-after speaker on integrative medicine topics - including nutrition, supplements, herbs, and mind body medicine. She has spoken at numerous medical and lay audiences, and has been featured on Fox news on multiple occasions both for her expertise in integrative medicine as well as for mind body medicine. She has been featured on radio for the Dr. Pat Show and has been featured in Seattle Metropolitan Magazine, and in Natural Health.. She is a contributing author to Change Design, a book published by the well-known, international architecture firm, NBBJ, as well as to the Neurology Now: Brain Tumors by the American Academy of Neurology.