Safety First started in 2001 with business partners and long-time friends Bill Kortenbach and George Warnell. After having experienced adrenaline induced training and new age mantra in Warrior Spirit, they conceived their own dynamic program and gear specifically for self defense conditioning for women, the Courage Quest. With the help of Brandon Kortenbach, Bill's son, a trained armored squad was assembled and ready. In 2002, Ginny Smethers took the Courage Quest and realized that Safety First already had in place a program that she was trying to build. After several volunteer stints, she was asked to join the Partnership, adding her experience in real estate, administration, marketing and accounting. Ginny assisted with the changes to a Limited Liability Company then on to a Nonprofit Corporation and finally adding the 501c3 Public Charity status. More age-appropriate programs were conceived for kids. In 2006 we obtained our own facility, adding martial arts to the mix.
We empower women to be street-wise using full force self defense training (Courage Quest), giving them insight into their innate abilities and power. We provide age-appropriate training for children, covering topics that parents or society may be uncomfortable with themselves (Rite of Passage and Active Safety for Kids). Our dojo also imparts martial arts lessons in Isshinryu Karate with traditional, old-school discipline. We study the time-tested warrior arts (escrima) including Cabales and Tacosa Serrada, Remy Presas' Modern Arnis, lock flow drills and more. Come learn some of the history, language and traditions of these Okinawan and Filipino arts. Safety First PPS is a Washington Nonprofit Corporation and a Public Charity under the IRS 501c3 code. We are always looking for ways to serve our community by bringing our lessons of personal safety to those that need it the most. We invite you to experience what we are about and to then serve others with your new found empowerment.