Owner Dan Magill worked as a high school teacher for many years. Always writing on the side, he staked out a new direction to put his writing talents to work for the benefit of nonprofits and businesses. After training through the AWAI copywriting program, ProActive Content began with a focus on direct response sales letters and nonprofit copywriting. Since then, additional training and experience has broadened our services to include: -Email copywriting -SEO, basic and intermediate -Website and content auditing -Whole-site re-writing for small nonprofits and businesses We now specialize in looking at whole website strategies and finding ways to improve content delivery, usability, persuasive copy, and SEO copywriting. We have honed a 4-step process that assures you of professional quality: 1) Ask 2) Understand 3) Recommend 4) Create
Are you a: Seattle local business Human services nonprofit Info-Marketing business See my photos for writing samples. For Seattle businesses: What many businesses lack is a direct response marketing perspective. What's direct response? It's the opposite of vague and useless. It means we know if our advertising worked or not. It means we measure. It means we test. It means we target our audience. See below for specific business-growth services For human services nonprofits: So many have underperforming websites and lackluster fundraising. 3 common reasons 1) Talk too much about themselves 2) Fail to connect with donors 3) Follow trends and flashy