Hello there! We know it is never easy to take the first step in seeking help because most of us want to handle situations on our own. However, we are living proof that no matter what situation you are dealing with, it is ok to ask for help and be supported in that moment. We are licensed clinical mental health therapists as well as clinical professional drug and alcohol counselors with over 9years of experience here to help you. Just to name a few our services include; Stress/Anxiety, LGBTQ, Depression, Trauma, Addiction, Relationship issues, Change of Life, Behavioral issues, Personal Wellness, and many other issues you may be struggling with. With us you can expect a warm, safe, trusting, and compassionate people and environment who truly understands and cares about your well-being on a very personal level. If you are looking for a more fulfilling life or are just struggling right now, and are ready to make that chance, we are here to help support and empower you. We truly look forward to meeting you and working together for a better you!