Irina's Holistic Skin Care was established in 2008 as a Mobile Spa, providing skin care services within Greater Seattle aria. Presently, the Spa has two locations in Downtown Ballard and Downtown Bellevue, including mobile services as well.
Irina Organic Herbal Skin Care is offering comprehensive personal customer service with a unique menu of highly effective skin care treatments, designed for different ages and skin needs, such as: Rosacea, Acne, Oily/Dry/Aging, and Sun-Damaged skin. Combination of Advanced European Technics with roots in Russian herbal healing traditions as well as wonderful relaxing facial massage enhanced by soothing Reiki offers you an exquisite rejuvenating experience. All pure, organic and 100% safe non-toxic ingredients augmented by a state-of-art aesthetic tool equipment deliver exceptional skin health and beauty results.