Ann's first career as a TV News producer was great training ground for a career in Real Estate! Producers have to juggle 39 things at once, and make sure everyone on the team is updated and ready to go. That's pretty much how real estate transactions happen: there are dozens of moving parts and players and she makes sure everything & everyone is doing their job to make the real estate sale or purchase close on time with as little drama as possible. Dave has spent his entire adult life in sales and is an excellent negotiator with unmatched people skills. Our clients don't realize how much goes on behind the scenes because Dave is sweating out the details on their behalf. A massive part of being a successful REALTOR is working with the agents on the other side of the deal--and Dave works extremely hard to make sure your deal will close successfully and on time.
We get you. We deliver results you want with the high level of customer service you expect with expertise, honesty and tenacity! Let us help you buy or sell your next home! Specialties: buying, selling, investing--and taking good care of you before, during and after your transaction.