FCRW was originally established to raise funds to build the Cedar River Watershed Education Center. Once the center was completed, the need for FCRW was reevaluated and it was decided the organization would continue with a new mission to promote watershed stewardship.
Friends of the Cedar River Watershed (FCRW) is an environmental nonprofit organization that engages citizens to enhance and sustain watersheds through restoration, education, and stewardship. FCRW has a variety of volunteer opportunities for all ages through four programs. Cedar River Salmon Journey trains volunteer naturalists to talk to the public about salmon. Habitat restoration throws a variety of work parties to weed and replant areas. The Watershed Report helps students create educational tools to teach about watershed issues. Stewardship in Action is fostering a community driven effort to eradicate knotweed from the Cedar River. Get Involved! www.cedarriver.org/events