Founded by Vivian Goldbloom in 2013, Emerald City Pet Rescue exists to rescue abused, neglected and homeless animals. We pull predominantly from high-kill shelters around the country and place them into loving forever homes. Sometimes these animals come from abroad and sometimes from right around the corner. Emerald City Pet Rescue is run by dedicated staff and volunteers who give their time and resources to house, train, rehabilitate, transport and care for these animals. Emerald City Pet Rescue is committed to the following goals: rescuing stray animals from high kill animal shelters who are scheduled to be euthanized. Emerald City Pet Rescue saves the animals who have been in the shelters the longest and will die unless rescued, either due to much needed medical treatment or overpopulation. We operate a no-kill facility where rescued pets can be safely sheltered without the threat of euthanization until we find the right adoptive family for each pet.
We rescue doggies from the highest kill shelters across the Unites States and try to educate, promote and help the public with spaying and neutering their pets. Emerald City Pet Rescue also rescues kitties and horses, as well. We also rescue homeless and abandoned animals in need around the world. All of our animals receive the best veterinary care possible and rehabilitation needed to get them feeling great and confident enough to be ready for the forever home they so deserve.