Catherine has been intrigued by the human body and how it functions with various types of stress and how it unwinds with massage therapy. She continues to learn and explore through her own exploration as well as taking a variety of continuing educational classes. Catherine studied Physics and Fine Arts at the University of Oregon. In 2000, she remembered a vision she had as a child, working with people doing massage. This prompted her to enroll in the Port Townsend School of Massage. I now see the body as the most intelligent system of engineering. Mechanical, electrical, quantum physics, chemical systems all working together. The body is truly amazing!
Catherine Seiffert, LMP is a therapist specializing in Myoskeletal, Orthopedic Massage and Injury Treatment Therapy. Catherine is a Certified Postural Neurologist specializing in retraining the brain which controls pain and motor output in the body. This is a 12 week interactive therapeutic retraining program to permanently change posture, decrease pain and increase function.