20 years of experience
Masonry services include: installation brick, stone, tile, marble, granite, slate, concrete block, paver, river rock, glass mosaic tile, etc. Chimney repair, brick replacing, installing flashing, damper, chimney cap, flue liner, insert for wood and gas stove, do tuck pointing, concrete cap renovation, acid wash, chimney sweep, fire box repair, damper, ash or vent door, mantel, stone or brick hearth, apply sealer, bonding, waterproofing material. Build fire place, post, retaining wall, protective wall, stairs, steps, patio, chimney, waterproofing wall, floor, counter top, shower pan, mud deck pan, shower bench, niche, shampoo box, curb. Bathroom and shower remodeling, home improvement, install hardy board, cement board, green board, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, glass tile, glass block, mosaic, bath shelf. grout, caulk, back splash, baseboard.