The Bellevue Police Department consists of 177 commissioned officers, including a bomb squad, SWAT officers, bicycle officers and others. Forty people also work in Bellevue police administration as support staff.
The department is headed by Chief Linda Pillo.
There are two intersections where red light running is enforced with a camera. There also are two speed photo enforced school zones.
While the police are headquartered in city hall, there are several police outposts throughout Bellevue:
Crossroads Bellevue, 1336 156th Ave. NE; 425-452-2891
Factoria Mall, 3915 Factoria Blvd. SE; 425-452-2880
The official Bellevue Police Department website is: and people can find them on Facebook at:
The police department posts photos of recovered stolen goods on the city's Flickr page.