Renewal, Inc. is a renowned Pittsburgh-based community corrections organization that has been dedicated to rebuilding lives affected by substance and alcohol use disorders for over 40 years. Their successful rehabilitation and counseling programs focus on prevention, early intervention, support services, treatment, and family support, helping individuals make positive changes in their lives. With a multi-faceted approach that includes counseling, education, community service, and job readiness, Renewal, Inc. assists individuals in transitioning back to their families and communities, providing them with the necessary tools for reintegration.
Renewal, Inc. is proud to be an American Correctional Association (ACA) accredited agency since 1999, and their commitment to battling addiction has made a significant impact. They offer a range of services, including housing assistance, mental health and substance use treatment, reentry support services, workforce development, and family support and strengthening. With a skilled and professional staff, Renewal, Inc. supports individuals throughout their journey of recovery and beyond, helping them achieve their fullest potential and make lasting changes in their lives.
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