The National Chamber Ensemble, Inc. is a renowned musical organization based in Arlington, VA, dedicated to enriching the local cultural scene through exceptional chamber music performances. With a focus on diversity and inclusivity, their 17th season showcases the works of women composers and composers of color, offering a fresh perspective on classical music. Led by Board President David Wunderlich, the ensemble is committed to providing outstanding live music experiences while ensuring the safety and well-being of both artists and audiences.
From Diva's Night Out to the Passion of the Tango, the National Chamber Ensemble presents a captivating lineup of concerts that captivate and inspire. With a view-at-home option available, they invite music enthusiasts to join their vibrant musical community and support the world of chamber music. Since 2007, the National Chamber Ensemble has been making classical music fun and accessible to all, leaving a lasting impact on the local arts scene.
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