Remodel Free is a revolutionary service that gives home sellers and realtors the freedom to have a house they are getting ready to sell be remodeled with no money out of their pocket until the property sells. Remodel Free helps homeowners like you sell their home for more money. We upgrade your home for free before you sell to attract potential buyers. 1.) You pay no money upfront 2.) Your renovation will take 4 weeks or less and we pick all the most popular colors, materials and styles. 3.) You will attract buyers to your property easily, with a newly remodeled kitchen, new flooring and custom looking bathrooms and paint. 4.) You can sell your home in a short amount of time. 5.) You make much more money from the sale of your property and never have to lift a finger. Our general contractor and his team, are perfectionists at getting your home beautiful and ready to list. If we don't like how something looks, once it's installed, we'll tear it out and redo it, until it looks great, without costing you a penny until closing. At the closing sale, there is a 10% finance fee that applies to the final invoice, for the remodeling and repairs that were done on the home. Meaning, if your final bill was $50,000, then you'd owe Remodel Free an additional $5,000 as a finance fee at the time of final sale. We can take look at your home and give you a FREE evaluation of your property and assess what it needs to get the highest price, for the least amount of money!