In 2010, I was working in New Orleans after the oil spill where I interviewed several small business owners to see how the spill affected their day-to-day operations. I learned first-hand that small businesses face a sharp decline in sales immediately after the disaster. So sharp, that according to the Insurance Information Institute, up to 40 percent of small businesses never reopen after a disaster. Recovery Pledge encourages small businesses to join the platform before a disaster occurs. Then, once a disaster has occurred, the marketplace is activated which allows folks from all over the country to simply redirect their consumption behaviors to small businesses in need. And in doing so, we will help stabilize the mom and pop shops of Main Street, USA. What's so exciting about the Recovery Pledge targeted spending platform is that it doesn't end after you spend.
Recovery Pledge takes a purely private sector approach to disaster recovery. From Hurricane Katrina and Sandy to the recent fires in California and Colorado, disasters just happen. When they occur, charitable organizations respond with temporary shelter, food, clothing and social services. Our mission is focused on reducing the number of small business failures after a catastrophic event. We are not a charitable organization that sends money or aid. Instead, we offer a marketplace whereby you can support the local businesses by purchasing their products and services. When I was in the Gulf, I had the chance to interview small business owners to better understand their needs immediately after a disaster. I will never forget one interview in particular. There were a number of oyster farmers and seafood distributors that lost most of their commodity. This occurred because of the fresh water diversion techniques used to push back the oncoming oil-laden salt water destroyed their oyster farms. These small business owners, some already near credit default, needed cash or