From the beginning we naturally created images and designs unique to traditional marketing trends. In the fall of 2005 we began producing logo and branding material for a few commercial ad clients to test the waters. With the success of our first sponsored ads came an increasing desire to showcase them as well as our customers through the magic of multi-media. By incorporating computer graphics, video, and audio into our ads, they became living images that brilliantly represented our clients and their products with even greater success! Soon we added Search Engine Optimization writing and provided clients with higher visibility and customer targeting power. Ultimately we would begin completely designing and hosting our clients' websites to be totally in touch with their company's image, direction, and specific purposes.
Pixel Lab Designs is a marketing and web design company creating digital media on all platforms for commercial advertising. Web design & hosting, text marketing, logo design, corporate video production & advertising, photography, business software, and printed media. Our mission is to exceed our client's expectations on every level - quality, creativity, service, and performance.