Dr. Steve Giltz D.C. utilizes a unique, gentle, low-force & traditional chiropractic techniques which offer fast, dramatically powerful, and consistent adjustment results. Our chiropractic office is different! No set treatment plan that you must adhere to - our goal is to get you well fast so you can go on with your life. You come to us when you need to!! Our patients like it that way! Our chiropractic office is a patient oriented - we want to provide maximum, long lasting relief in a quick and effective manner. Our patients get well quickly and most patients require a low number of initial visits without the need for frequent follow ups. Dr. Giltz offers effective adjustments to everyone in all stages of life, from newborn babies to seniors. From minor back pain and headaches, to migraines,and injuries from falls and accidents, non-force adjustments can offer relief from numerous conditions and symptoms.
At Island Chiropractic we provide Gentle Low/ Non-Force and Traditional Chiropractic Treatments by Dr. Steve S. Giltz