Dr. Bill Shuler and his family moved to the Washington, DC area on September 1, 2001 with a call from God to pioneer a ministry. Eleven days later the Nation's Capital and the world was shaken amidst terrorist strikes on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. In response to these tragic events, a national headquarters for prayer was leased one block from the U.S. Capitol building on September 12, 2001. From these headquarters, prayer was mobilized for our national and international leaders. From these early beginnings in prayer, leadership Bible studies were formed. On August 1, 2002 a new life giving interdenominational church was launched. Capital Life Church is filled with people who are experiencing victorious life in Jesus Christ and who have a vision to see the DC metro area filled with the presence and power of God. Relationships that last a lifetime are being forged and families are being strengthened.
We are an inter-denominational, spirit filled community of believers in the Washington, DC Metro area. Come visit this Sunday in person at 9:30 or 11:00AM -- we'd love to have you! If you can't make it in person you can always watch our LIVE #SundayStream on YouTube, Facebook or in our Capital Life Church app. Details at CapitalLife.org/services.