The City of Buena Vista, located in the picturesque Blue Ridge Mountains, is a vibrant community with a population of over 6,400 residents. Governed by a City Council and Mayor, the city offers a range of services and amenities, including daily operations overseen by the City Manager, police protection provided by a dedicated force, and emergency first aid from the Buena Vista Volunteer Rescue Squad. With its stunning natural surroundings, Buena Vista serves as a gateway to outdoor adventures and is a perfect destination for nature enthusiasts.
Additionally, the Buena Vista Volunteer Fire Department ensures fire protection for the city, while various boards, commissions, and committees provide valuable assistance to the residents. Whether you're looking to explore the scenic Glen Maury Park, enjoy a round of golf at Vista Links Golf Course, or immerse yourself in the beauty of the George Washington National Forest and the Blue Ridge Parkway, Buena Vista offers a wealth of recreational opportunities. With its commitment to community development and a thriving workforce, Buena Vista is an ideal place to live, work, and play.
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