Tyson Congregational Church in Plymouth, Town of, VT is a member of the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ, an Open and Affirming Conference that welcomes individuals from all walks of life. Committed to equipping churches for Christ's mission and ministry, the Vermont Conference provides events, coaching, and connections to foster growth and vitality among pastors and congregations. With a focus on working for a just world, the Vermont Conference encourages active engagement in local communities as well as on state, national, and global levels.
As part of their commitment to church growth and development, Tyson Congregational Church will be hosting a special vitality event featuring Paul Nickerson, a UCC minister and experienced consultant. This seminar, titled "How to Help Your Church Grow," will cover various topics including clarifying purpose and vision, understanding the community, reaching new people, developing discipleship programs, funding the future, and the impact of online ministry. Participating churches will have the opportunity to receive a year of training and coaching, with scholarships available through The Hope Fund.
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