In 1994 neighbors Virginia Barlow and Stephen Long partnered to start a forestry magazine. Vermont Woodlands premiered in the summer of that year as a 28-page, two-color publication with a circulation of less than 1,000. Recognizing that all of New England and New York needed to be involved in this important discussion, Vermont Woodlands became Northern Woodlands in 1999 to serve that expanded geography. In 2003 Northern Woodlands became incorporated as a nonprofit, the Center for Northern Woodlands Education, Inc., operating with the tradename of Northern Woodlands. Northern Woodlands is now a 76-page, full-color, perfect-bound quarterly with a paid circulation of 15,000.
Northern Woodlands is the trade name of the Center for Northern Woodlands Education, Inc., a 501(c)(3) public-benefit educational organization located in Corinth, Vermont. Programs include Northern Woodlands magazine, Northern Woodlands Goes to School, The Outside Story, and The Place You Call Home series. Our mission is to advance a culture of forest stewardship in the Northeast and to increase understanding of and appreciation for the natural wonders, economic productivity and ecological integrity of the region's forests.