The Hinesburg Police Department in Hinesburg, VT is a dedicated law enforcement agency serving the local community. Led by Chief of Police Anthony Cambridge, the department is staffed by a team of experienced officers, including Sergeant Brett Flansburg, Corporal Jeremy Hulshof, and Officers Frank Bryan, Andrew Thomas, Nicholas Labonte, and Bill Wager. Committed to ensuring public safety, the department provides a range of services, including animal control, traffic enforcement, and emergency response.
Located at 10322 Route 116, the Hinesburg Police Department works closely with the community to maintain a safe and secure environment. In addition to their daily operations, the department actively engages with the public through initiatives such as the Police Public Safety Advisory Committee and the Community Survey. With a strong focus on public service, the Hinesburg Police Department plays a vital role in safeguarding the well-being of residents and visitors in Hinesburg, VT.
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