Dr. Greg Stowe and Dr. David Bowden bought the practice in 2014 with big plans! Although Wellness Solutions was previously proven to be a wonderful and successful practice, the two doctors excitingly have grown it into so much more! We have a wide range of specialties including an on-site MD, therapeutic massage, active rehab therapy, and Dr. Bowden's expertise in Sports Medicine. Our goal is to help you get out of pain quickly and return to living the active lifestyle that you deserve!
Our sports medicine and rehabilitation model focuses on functional rehab for athletes, weekend warriors, and anyone wanting to get out of pain quickly! Our chiropractic services are family focused to treat everyone from young children to adults to alleviate pain and discomfort with safe and effective techniques. Our practice specialties include: Chiropractic adjustment techniques Spinal decompression therapy Pain management Corrective exercise Kinesiology taping Neuromuscular re-education Theraband restrengthening Therapeutic MASSAGE, and more! Whole body care for the whole family!