Turtle Creek Sod Farm is a renowned audio book recording studio, led by the experienced Sheila Mitchell, who has been recording books since 1951. With a state-of-the-art home studio, Sheila has worked on various BBC slots and commercial audio books, including titles by renowned authors such as Vera Brittain, Penelope Lively, and P.D. James. Recently, she has completed two books for Audible, showcasing her expertise and dedication to the craft.
Sheila Mitchell's exceptional work has been recognized by the Mystery Readers International, winning the Macavity award for Best Mystery Critical Biography for her book "HRF Keating: A Life of Crime." This biography, written by Sheila herself, provides a comprehensive insight into the life and career of Harry Keating, one of Britain's most acclaimed crime novelists. With deep personal knowledge and meticulous research, Sheila's biography offers a must-read for fans of HRF Keating and anyone interested in exploring the life of a remarkable writer.
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