Tranquil Haven Massage Therapy A Holistic approach to wellness is the art and science of healing that addresses the whole person- mind, body, and spirit. We integrate conventionally and alternative therapists to prevent illnesses and most importantly to promote optimal health and wellness. We invite you to join us on this wonderful journey of healing. Massage is an excellent way to contribute to your health by improving circulation. This is especially true of the lymph system which is located near the surface of the skin. Massage helps manipulate the lymph, making it easier to carry poisons to the node to be removed. These help you to cleanse your entire system of toxins and dead cells that can build up and cause a multitude of ailments that can appear to be difficult to treat, A buildup of toxins can lead to pain in your extremities and muscles. Massage can help aid your body in the removal of the toxins by aiding in carrying them to disposal sites in the lymph. It also helps alleviate pain by stimulating the body to release endorphins. These endorphins increase the boosts that body's ability to deal with pain and allow you to relax. Massage is well known as a trigger for relaxation and reduced stress. When your body is able to more efficiently get rid of poisons that build up in your system due to pollution, food, and medications, you are far more equipped to heal your body during rest periods. It also comes from the reduced production of the stress hormone cortisol.