Jonathan Alonso brings the same dedication, passion and professionalism to his practice that he has displayed as a personal coach, and as a counselor. His work with clients comes from the perspective that positive changes can be made through the mind (unconscious, and the subconscious) using hypnotherapy and neurofeedback to create a unique client based brain entrainment training. This approach to mind training allows clients to work smart and not hard while building positive results in areas like addictions, traumatic stress, attention deficit, focus, grief, depression, and self confidence to achieve lifelong and permanent change.
Jonathan provides hypnosis to improve and better client's lives to reach their true potential within. He has been serving the Greater Houston area applying techniques to deliver solution-focused sessions for a wide range of issues covering stress & anxiety, confidence, self-esteem, insomnia, weight loss, stop smoking, public speaking confidence, state exams, phobias, and more.