Dear Valued Customer, We are open for business! Thank you for being a loyal customer of The Carpet Cleaner As the national, state and city guidelines regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) evolve, I want to keep you informed on how we are adjusting to keep our customers as safe as possible. We continue to be here for you--even as our failies cope with many of the same issues you face such as school closings, family needs and uncertainty. To help protect you, your families and ours we've made a few adjustments to our work procedures such as moving furniture, not shaking hands and touch as little surfaces as possible while cleaning your carpets. I so appreciate your patience. Fabio Escobar The Carpet Cleaner The carpet Cleaner specialize in carpet, tile and grout cleaning, upholstery cleaning, pet odor control, spot and stain removal, water damage, carpet re-stretching and pressure washing.