Powered by Texas Innovative, a specialty network that links customers and business owners to each other better than ever before. Tx. innovative powers landscaping, interior design, and construction companies. A long you may find: event planning, lighting services, and up-in-coming fashion lines. Texas Innovate launched officially in January 2014. Larry Anderson, along with his son Joseph Anderson transformed their once son and pop landscape service into the company it is today. Originality. LW Service was the start of what is fabricated today. started in 2008, Larry Anderson had his eye set for the future. In 2010 his son Joseph joined bringing with him everything he knew of customer relations along with the twenty-first networking we all know today. The duo united broke away from their investors and initiated The Houston Landscaping Co. The first of an open limitless network.
Landscaping, LAWN MOWING, Christmas lighting, event set ups, exterior design