Texas Spinal Chiropractic Care is a network of chiropractors serving North Texas (Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, and surrounding areas), Houston area, and West Texas (El Paso). Our experienced doctors are extremely qualified, highly reputable physicians, and are eager to help you live a healthy, and pain-free life. We can help you relieve pain with non-invasive care, correct your back and neck with chiropractic care, and address other pains with physical therapy. With the help of physical therapists, massage therapists, and the rest of the staff, we will devote the time toward your recovery. Many of our staff members are certified professionals, with education and experience that make them valuable members of our team.
Have you been in a recent car accident? Have back or neck Pain? We specialize in car and auto accident injuries, and are dedicated to your recovery and wellness. Our network of chiropractors serve all of the Texas Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex, Houston area, and El Paso.