It all started when I was no longer able to work for AT&T due to health reasons. I always had a passion for cooking so I went back to school and took a culinary class. One class led to another and next thing I know I had a certificate in commercial cooking. There was one class that I really enjoyed and it was a one day class in Cheesecakes. That got me going and next thing I know, I was opening a shop. The name came from the Blessings in my life and how Sweet it was when I needed a kidney transplant, my wife was my match. She donated a kidney to me and that is the story of how Sweet Blessings Cheesecakes came to be.
We specialize in Cheesecakes. We offer a wide variety of homemade Cheesecakes topped to order. We bake banana bread daily and also have fresh apple, strawberry, or peach cobbler puff pastries. For our coffee enthusiasts we have cold 4 Dogs Roasting Cold Brew coffee in a variety of flavors as well as Nitro Coffee. Stop by and visit us for our Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches during lunch or call in your order if you are on the go.