Sunshine Academy was started by Charlotte Howell and Judy Howell in 2008.
Sunshine Academy is dedicated to nurturing the educational, physical, and emotional development of children within a Christian atmosphere. Here at Sunshine Academy we believe that the first years of a child's life are by far the most important, helping to lay the foundation for most intellectual and emotional development which follows. Through nurturing and individualized attention, we take great care in providing a warm, friendly, safe, and enjoyable environment for your child, while ensuring he/she receives the guidance and structure he/she needs. We strive to nurture your child's ideas and imagination, acknowledge each child's individuality, and validate each personality. Our goal is to provide a place where children know that they are accepted, loved, protected, and wanted; thus, helping to instill in each child a strong sense of self-worth and purpose. It is our hope that each child returns home every day feeling happy and proud of themselves, and eager to discuss the happenings of his/her day.