We are committed to provide high quality medical care to our patients in an environment of compassion and integrity. We believe in the Multidisciplinary Approach and utilizing advanced Interventional Pain Management Techniques and Therapies to control pain and restore quality of life.
Chronic pain affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, altering their physical and emotional functioning, decreasing their quality of life, and impairing the ability to work. Chronic pain is a very disabling condition. It affects general health, psychological health, and social and economic well-being. The specialty of Pain Medicine deals with the Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation of the person in pain. A team of dedicated experts from various disciplines of medicine participate in the diagnosis and treatment of the pain. The main objective of pain management is to provide a better control of pain to enable patient to return to a functional lifestyle. It also promotes psychosocial well being of patient with decrease dependence on pain medications.