Public elementary and secondary schools, Presbyterian Church, Kindergarten
First Presbyterian Church
When you check out at Albertsons or Kroger, you can help support our school by giving the cashier your Albertson's Community Partner Card or Kroger's Neighbor to Neighbor Donation Program Letter ( the Kroger letter only has to be scanned once along with your Kroger Plus card, then you will be enrolled in the Donation Program for the current year ). Please pick up the Albertson's card on the small table in the school's front office or ask Lesley or Laura for a Kroger Donation Program letter. You can also print the Kroger letter yourself using this link: FPPS provides an educationally-accredited Christian environment for children ages 6 weeks through Pre-K. The purpose of FPPS is to provide a safe, happy and nurturing environment where children can grow socially, emotionally, and cognitively. We believe that children learn best through play and activities that are appropriate for every child's age and development. The growth and education of each child is dependent upon a cooperative team of parents and teachers working towards one common goal. Our school welcomes staff, children, and families of all abilities, faiths, races, and backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on the uniqueness of each child so that they may learn to value others in that same way. This process will be done with the consideration and care you would expect to find in a Christian environment. A child's day at FPPS is full of love, acceptance, wonder and adventure. Our curriculum teaches the children to learn about the world around them from a Christian-based point of view. On a typical day our children will experience Spanish, Music, Art, Chapel, Free Play, Centers, Stories, Science, Cooking and Computers. We have designed our own curriculum and have successfully refined it over the past 39 years ( we will celebrate our 40th anniversary in 2011 ) !