ReDiant Beauty by ReDpants is an eyebrow microblading and permanent cosmetics studio. Want perfect, wake-up friendly brows? Sure you do! Eyebrow microblading fixes a common problem plaguing so many of us: born with little to no hair, medical treatments that caused hair loss, or you just want fuller, more voluptuous brows. Microblading is a form of tattoo artistry where hairlike strokes are applied and pigment is deposited to the dermal and epidermal skin layers. The treatment is semi-permanent (unlike a tattoo) and last 8-18 months with proper aftercare. Some of us just weren't born with thick, full brows. Now you can have them at ReDiant Beauty by ReDpants. Bonus, your brows will allow you to swim, workout and so much more without worrying about running makeup. After microblading with ReDiant Beauty, you can truly say