The Q is made possible by AIDS Services of Austin and is primarily governed and run by volunteers. These community builders constitute three committees: Wellness, Outreach and Social Events. The Q is the local Austin chapter on Mpowerment, a nationwide public health intervention designed to reduce the risk of HIV transmission in Gay, Bi and questioning men aged 18-29. Though this is the heart of the Q, we serve a diverse array of functions in the local Austin queer community that range from social justice issues, educational opportunities, coalition building and large scale celebrations. The Q is committed to actively embracing diversity and providing a space for individuals to explore their own identities. Whether you want to come to connect with others in the queer community, volunteer your talents, or explore leadership possibilities, the Q welcomes you to enter our space and join our fellowship. Statement of Purpose: The Q is dedicated to building a safe, affirming, and healthy community that empowers young gay, bi, and questioning men in Austin. Vision: The Q envisions a network of collaborators and partners promoting solidarity, well-being, and the awesomeness of Austin's queer communities.